Email: tarique.ahmed@iba-suk.edu.pk
Poverty has become a sensitive and a multidimensional phenomenon. Poverty will continue to be created throughout world by social situations, government policies and natural disasters. Abject poverty is considered a severe injustice and an abuse of human Rights. The poor are the true poverty experts. Poor children have numerous disadvantages in relation to their better-off counterparts. In situations of extreme poverty they are at risk to inherit the poverty of their parents. They are obliged to abuse of all forms and very often confined to limited range of opportunities throughout their lives in which they are virtually slaves. The role of education in poverty eradication is crucial. Education is not a way to escape poverty; it is a way of fighting it and a key to wealth creation. Appropriate support has been initiated by IBA Community College N.Feroze through education & training skills for wealth creation to break this vicious circle of poverty & social exclusion that is the reality for many people of this area. School Education would help children to improve traditional trade skills alongside other curricular contents. It would ensure their future employment possibilities & contribute to the economic wellbeing of the whole community.