Government Boys High School Jajh Regulator is located at village Jhajh Regulator in Union Council Punhal Khan Rajper Ward#03 Taluka Faiz Gung, District Khairpur. Jhajh Regulator is a small village 4KM away on the left side of the Mehran Highway(In the East side of Kot Lalo stop). It is about 30 KM away from the taluka headquarter Faiz Gung at Pacca Chang city and about 140 Kilometers away from the district headquarter Khairpur city.
Jhajh Regulator is a small village of about 50 houses with 500 population. At Union Council Punhal Khan Rajper ,the school is located is a rural area and there are about 60 big and small villages and the total population of this UC is about 4000. Various families like Arain, Chadhar, Shar, Solangi, Khaskheli, Pathan, Sial, Magsi, Marri, Bugti, Magedana, Baghar, Mojai, Jatt, Unar, Jappa, Kumbhar, Machi, Deendar, Sheikh, Bhatti etc live here. The languages spoken in this area are Sindhi, Punjabi, Siraiki, Balochi etc. The people are mostly related with Agriculture and small number of population has their own small business and some of the people are employed in various government services. The land of this Union council is quite fertile but there is a strong deficiency of canal water hence the people cannot cultivate on majority land. There is also a big ratio of the poor because people have no alternate source of income except farming. The quality of basic infra-structure facilities such as road, gas, electricity is low.
GBHS Jhajh regulator is the only school boys or girls school and college in the Union Council and surrounding of union councils Kot Lalo and Razabad. Students (Boys & Girls) of the school come from three union councils: Punhal Khan Rajper, Kot Lalo and Razabad. Hence, intermediate education is not possible for the students at local level. They have to travel to Padidan or Pacca Chang cities at 30 Kilometer away from the school.
To empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long learners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practise the core values of the school: respect, tolerance & inclusion, and excellence.
provide a conducive environment for a future-oriented, holistic education, anchored in a rigorous bilingual academic program, for children of all nationalities. We nurture students to be independent life-long learners imbued with sound moral values who are respectful and responsible, and who rise to the challenges of life creatively and enthusiastically in an ever- changing world.